Saturday, October 17, 2009

This Is Just The Beginning

Hello world.

I took a few black and white photography classes in high school. We did everything manually. We set the aperture and shutter speed ourselves, used film, developed our film and prints in a dark room... and I loved it!

When I got to college I never seriously considered majoring in Photography but instead majored in Public Health. It was very hard to find a job after graduation and I tried taking some prerequsite classes for a nursing degree and tried a medical assisting class, but had to quit all of those because of a random sickness I got that didn't allow me to put the time and energy into school that I needed. I am still trying to recover from this nasty virus.

My dad gave me my first DLSR camera - a Sony a200 - for graduation. I have been playing around with that and I just love it! I decided that this is really where my heart is and I am trying to get as much practice in as I can with my camera so that I can start a photography business!

Join me in this exciting journey!


  1. I think you should name you business "Lefty Scar Photography"! That would generate TONS of business :)

  2. Wow, Alyssa! Those pics are beautiful! Okay, when are you available before the 10th of November??? I need pics of my kids, all of them, together in one pic and smiling or at least not crying. I know you are the only one who can do this terrible task! Call me when you have the time please!!!!! Love you.
