Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Jackson and Mallory

Did you miss me?

I know you did!

Well I'm back! I was able to get out and do some engagement pictures and I loved it! I haven't shot anything for a while and it was so exciting to be able to put what I had learned from other blogs to use.

In about a month we'll be moving to the Denver area for the summer, so for all of you readers that live there and would like to book a session, let me know! I'm not sure about the schedule I'll have yet. I still need to figure out when my lovely assistants - mostly my handsome husband but also my beautiful sister and mom... maybe even my dad on occasion - will be available to come along! I'm pretty sure I'll be available Saturdays and most evenings. After all, summertime equals more light at night, right?

So all that to say, if you want pictures done and you live in the Denver area, I'll be there for the summer!

Anyway, I know what you really came here for was the pictures, so I'll get to it!

First we went to an abandoned house that my cousin told us about (thanks, Brittany!). It shares a lot with a functioning house with some very nice people. Well, maybe a little too nice because one guy came up to us when we got there and said he got to kiss all of the brides. Yikes. Good thing there were four of us and only one of him! It will be a pretty funny story to tell people though.

Then we went to the orchard. I think it looks just as awesome in the winter as it does in the summer! It's just a different kind of beauty.

Jackson's sister did a picture like this next one for her engagement pictures and Mallory really wanted to try it out. I'm not sure if this is exactly what she had in mind or not, but I really love the way it turned out! I want to go back there and get some pictures of Jordan and I so that I can do one like this for us.

AND.... my favorite of the day. I love the way they're posed. They look great together, don't they? I love adding texture to photos sometimes too and I thought this texture looked awesome on this photo.

Thank you for letting me do your picture guys! I had a great time!


  1. i think the orchard looks amazing! i wanna go there! haha

  2. These are super cute!!! I love the black and white background with color. I wanted to do one of our wedding pictures that way (our wedding photographer was unfortunately pretty crappy, and I'm too cheap to buy photoshop to edit it myself, so maybe some other day!) But I also LOVE the texture on that last one, and the coloring, it looks really great. You do such a good job! They look really professional!
